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Team 4 plus 1

Once it was known that Veerbhadra Hiremath's younger brother Panchakshari was studying in third standard at University School in Gangotri Campus, Bharathi Kannamma pressed Veerbhadra to bring panchakshari to University Canteen after he is done with school at 4 O'Clock in the evening. 

It was interview day for me, entire day I had to spend sitting at room waiting for interviewer to allow me in the interview room. As it happened my turn arrived at 5. 30/6 pm in the evening. Along with nervousness my frustration mounted long before the interview began add to that Airtel's claim of best network in India became joke, as we couldn't exchange ideas properly over the Zoom due to lapses in network connectivity. However, they asked me to find a place with better connectivity, I hurried as interviewers face were still stuck on the screen! Finally, a spot beside canteen under a tree did fine for a moment and thus interview was done. 

As I was still talking with the interviewers, Chandru got out of the car and asked if i was done with it yet, soon it did. Along with Veerbhadra and Chandru in car I saw a young face, it was getting dark and it was time for him to get home too I didn't enquire  much about him and that says I was not in my proper head space because of that interview. That's my first acquaintance with young Panchakshari. 

The very next day after the school Panchakshari was brought to the university canteen and from that day it more or less has become a routine. 

One evening, Bharathi Kannamma happen to ask young Panchakshari a lot of questions such as ' who is Gandhi?' , ' what did Bhagat singh do?', and so on. That kind of enquiring didn't go well with Panchakshari, though he did answer the questions, but nah! says he, he wanted to play and you dragged him to some large canteen where he is the only one in shorts and black school shoes among good looking young girls! The next day he wants  revenge for what Bharathi Kannamma did that evening. So he decides to prepare himself up for the task and plans couple of fictional stories that would eat her head! 

They meet next evening, after his usual chocolate or plain milk he sets sight on his business of taking revenge on Bharathi Kannamma. Before young Panchakshari could began narrating stories to her, he gets teased and lots of pinching on the cheeks. Looking at young Panchakshari's face you could tell he didn't like that, he was furious, and fuming with lots of anger and was desperate for revenge! 
At last, time for revenge stories....... 



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